Luca Api

Locale: Pasticceria Silvana


Indirizzo: Via delle Selve, 5 Ostra (AN)



Luca Api is a young pastry chef from Marche, he takes his passion from his mom (to whom his pastry shop is dedicated to) who opened Pasticceria Silvana.
Because of this he was given the opportunity to cultivate his passion since school, he graduated in hospitality and decided to deepen his pastry knowledge. At this point in life he completed various internships in the best pastry shops of Marche and he decided to keep growing professionally by moving to Madonna di Campiglio.
Once he got back to his family business, he was lucky enough to meet Giuliano Pediconi. In 2016 he opened his pastry shop with the help of Andrea Urbani, Maestro AMPI. He continued to study at the best schools and learn from the best: Omar Busi, Stefano Laghi, Emanuele Forcone, Rolando Morandin.
In 2021 he reached the final stage of Mastro Panettone and became a part of the Iceteam1927 Ambassador team.

Facebook: @pasticceriasilvanaapidolcerie
Instagram: @pasticceriasilvanaostra